Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple is the cradle of Ancient Kerala Culture. This temple is an exhibition of traditional Kerala Architecture of Temple Construction.Temple is built completely out of Krishnastone and wood in traditional Architecture of Kerala in accordance with vastushastra. Entire Rashichakra symbols are at the sanctum (Sreekovil) entrance which symbolizes Sri Sivaparvathi is the controller of entire universe. Chuttambalam also constructed out of krishna stone and wood. There exist a three storied east entrance to enter into the Temple Complex. Through east entrance Devotees can enter into Anakkottil. Pillars out of palm tree is one of the attractions of Anakkottil. South entrance to the Temple Complex is another attraction of the temple. There exist four entrances at chuttambalam of the temple.
On top of each entrance there is Gopuram in Kerala Architecture. In front of East Nada (Main Entrance) there is kodimaram. Kodimaram (flag mast) is covered with copper plate. Structure of Nandi is present on top of the kodimaram. Small bells present at the top of the kodimaram always ring which is pleasant to hear. At chuttambalam Structures of Gajavyali in wood is there on both sides of the east entrance to the temple. Inside the east nada there is valiyabalikkallupura. On the roof of Valiyabalikkallupura there exist Navagraha Sculptures carved on wood. Dome shaped structure in a single piece of Krishnashila could be seen on top of the Namaskaramandapam. There exist 70 pillars which is the exhibition of excellency in sculpture. Sculptures of different characters in Hindu mythology could be seen at the temple which are produced by carving stone and wood. Inside the chuttambalam there is Sreekovil for Sivaparvathi . Idol for Sri Sivaparvathi is moulded in Panchaloham(5 Metals). Idol of Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi Devi is Poornakaya(full bodied) idol sitting together by giving blessing to entire universe. Dvadasa(12) Jyothirlingam of Lord Siva are installed inside the chuttambalam, surrounding Sri Sivaparvathi. There are 3 Golden Thazhikakkudam (top dome of the temple) on top of Sreekovil (Sanctum). A number of Thazhikakkudam could be seen on top of the chuttambalam. There exist Mani Kinar( well ) at North East corner inside the Chuttambalam. There exist Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya temples inside the chuttambalam.
32 Forms of Lord Ganesha are installed and worshipped outside the chuttambalam at South-West corner of the Temple. At North-West corner of Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple there is Mahalingam having 111 feet height. Mahalingam at Maheswaram Temple is the world’s highest Sivalingam. Mahalingam has plenty of unique peculiarities. One of the peculiarities is its style of construction. Devotees can enter into this Mahalingam. The construction of this Sivalingam is based on Shadadharam. In addition to the 6 meditation halls there exist another 2 halls, one at the bottom and other at the top of the Mahalingam. Devotees are allowed to meditate at each meditation hall by knowing about and concentrating at symbols of each chakra present there. In the Prayer hall (at the bottom of Sivalingam), there is a large Sivalingam. Here Devotees themselves can worship Lord Siva and can proceed to the next six meditation halls to meditate by concentrating on symbols of each Adhara and finally devotees can reach Kailasam which is at the top level of Mahalingam. Way to the top level of the Mahalingam is spiral shaped and is surrounded by a cave like atmosphere and plenty of carvings (of Monks) pertained to meditation. Inside Mahalingam, 108 different Sivalingam and 64 forms of Lord Siva can be seen. The serene atmosphere inside the Sivalingam gives a rich spiritual experience to each devotee who visits Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple.
The main idol of this temple is the full sculpture of Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi sitting together and giving blessings to the entire creation. Existence of Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya as sub deities along with the main deity Sri Sivaparvathi completes the concept of Sivaparivar. Sivaparivardarshan is believed to provide peace of mind, wealth, prosperity, love, success and true bonding between family members. Nagar idols are installed outside the chuttambalam of the temple near south west corner. Devotees of Sri Sivaparvathi come to this temple to worship the ultimate source of completeness which they believe to help them to get better job, suitable life partners and the success in business. Sri Sivaparvathi is believed to be the moving force behind the entire creation. Devotees offer ‘pooja’ for the welfare of their family, for the accomplishment of their wishes and to remove hindrances on their way to success. Devotees visit Maheswaram temple for the auspiciousness of their family in all aspects.
Sri Sivaparvathi shrine is the deity of auspiciousness. Lord Siva is regarded limitless, transcendent, unchanging and formless. Lord Siva has many benevolent and fearsome forms. In benevolent aspects, Lord Siva is depicted as an omniscient yogi who lives an aesthetic life on Mount Kailash as well as a house holder with wife Sri Parvathi along with their two children Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya. Sri Parvathi is the ideal wife, mother and householder. The vision of ideal couple is derived from Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi as one being the better half of other. There is no separate existence for Lord Shiva or Sri Parvathi. They are inseparable. The composite form of Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi conveys the unity of opposites in the universe. Lord Siva stands for Purusha and Sri Parvathi stands for Prakriti.
Purusha is the male principle and passive force of the universe, while Prakriti is the female active force. The union of Purusha(Siva) and Prakriti(Siva’s energy, Sakthi) is behind the entire creation in the universe. Devotees of Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathivisit this temple in large number to get the divinedarshan of Lord Siva and SriParvathi together.
At North-West corner of Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple there is Mahalingam having 111 feet height. Mahalingam at Maheswaram Temple is the world’s highest Sivalingam. Mahalingam has plenty of unique peculiarities. One of the peculiarities is its style of construction. Devotees can enter into this Mahalingam. The construction of this Sivalingam is based on Shadadharam. There are 6 different meditation halls representing different chakra (Adhara) in human body. Those chakras are Muladhara, Swadhishthana, Manipura, Anahatha, Vishuddha and Ajna. Muladhara is the seat of physical vitality and the fundamental urge to survive. It is symbolized by a lotus with four petals. Swadhishthana is where we develop an inward sense of self and an outward awareness of others - ego, sexuality and family. It is symbolized by a lotus with six petals within which there is a crescent moon. Manipura is located at the centre of the body. It is the place where physical energy is distributed. It is symbolized by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals. Anahata is the centre of real, unconditional affection, spiritual growth, compassion, devotion and love. It is the bridge connecting the lower and higher energies of our being and is the place where our Spirit, our true Self - free and independent resides.
Anahata is symbolized by circular flower with twelve petals. Vishuddha is the centre for communication, self-expression and creativity. This is where the inner voice of one’s truth is expressed. It is represented by a silver crescent within a white circle with 16 petals. Ajna is the seat of intuition and direct spiritual vision; it is here that we visualize things through our “third eye” of intuitive knowledge. The opening of the third-eye corresponds with spiritual awakening. It is symbolized by a lotus with two petals. Meditation halls representing Muladhara, Swadhishthana, Manipura, Anahatha, Vishuddha and Ajna are coloured Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Indigo respectively.
In addition to the 6 meditation halls there exist another 2 halls, one at the bottom and other at the top of the Mahalingam. Devotees are allowed to meditate at each meditation hall by knowing about and concentrating at symbols of each chakra present there. Through meditation at Mahalingam, devotees can attain self realization (“AhamBrahmasmi”). In the Prayer hall (at the bottom of Sivalingam), there is a large Sivalingam. This is for the devotees to realize the fact that one should worship his own god by himself. Here Devotees themselves can worship Lord Siva and can proceed to the next six meditation halls to meditate by concentrating on symbols of each Adhara and finally devotees can reach Kailasam which is at the top level of Mahalingam. There each devotee can reach at the Sannidhi of Sri Sivaparvathi at Kailasam. Lotus with 1000 petals representing Sahasrara chakra can also be seen there. At this highest level one can realize the ultimate truth “AhamBrahmasmi”.
Way to the top level of the Mahalingam is spiral shaped and is surrounded by a cave like atmosphere and plenty of carvings (of Monks) pertained to meditation. Inside Mahalingam, 108 different Sivalingam and 64 forms of Lord Siva can be seen. The serene atmosphere inside the Sivalingam gives a rich spiritual experience to each devotee who visits Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple.
Dvadasa(12) Jyothirlingam of Lord Siva are installed inside the chuttambalam, surrounding Sri Sivaparvathi. There exist twelve Jyothirlingam at twelve different places in India. They are Somanathalingam at Sourashtra(Gujarath), Mallikarjunalingam at Sreesailam, Mahakaleswaralingam at Ujjayini, Omkareswaralingam near the banks of Narmada river, Kedarnathalingam at Himavathgiri, Bheemasankaralingam at Bevagiri, Vaidhyanathalingam at Jharkhand, Thrayambakalingam at Godavari, Viswanathalingam at Varanasi, Nageswaralingam at Darukavanam, Rameswaralingam at Rameswaram, Khrishneswaralingam at Dowlathabad. Each Jyothirlingam is considered as different manifestations of Lord Siva. Devotees believe, by giving offerings and with the blessings of Lord Siva in the form of DvadasaJyothirlingam all kinds of Dosham(misfortune) and illness will be removed from their life. It is one of the peculiarities that, devotees all over the world visit the Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple to worship entire Dvadasa(12) Jyothirlingam together.
Lord Ganesha is believed to be the Obstacle remover, the god of auspicious beginning and good fortune. Devotees believe that Lord Ganesha has taken 32 forms to save devotees from the different issues that may arise in different stages of life. 32 forms of Lord Ganesha are installed and worshipped at Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple. 32 Forms of Lord Ganesha are, 1. BalaGanapathi (Child like) / 2. BhakthiGanapathi (Devotee form) / 3. Dhundhi Ganapathi (Sought after Ganapathi) / 4. Durga Ganapathi (Similar to mother Durga) / 5. Dvija Ganapathi (Born twice) / 6. Dvimukha Ganapathi (With two heads) / 7. Ekadanta Ganapathi (Single tusked) / 8. Ekakshara Ganapathi (Lord of single letter) / 9. Haridra Ganapathi ( For wealth) / 10. Heramba Ganapathi (Magnificent protector) / 11. Kshipra Ganapathi (Quickly blesses) / 12. Kshipra PrasadaGanapathi (Quick rewarder)
13. Lakshmi Ganapathi (The fortunate) / 14. Maha Ganapathi (Popularly worshipped) / 15. Nritya Ganapathi (Dancer) / 16. Rinamochana Ganapathi (Liberator from debts) / 17. Sankatahara Ganapathi (Dispeller of sorrows) / 18. Shakthi Ganapathi (Powerfull form) / 19. Siddhi Ganapathi (Master of intellect) / 20. Simha Ganapathi (Fearless) / 21. Srishti Ganapathi (Creator) / 22. Taruna Ganapathi (Youthful) / 23. Trimukha Ganapathi (Three faced) / 24. Tryakshara Ganapathi (Lord of A-U-M) / 25. Ucchhishta Ganapathi (Lord of Superiority) / 26. Uddanda Ganapathi (Enforcer of Dharma) / 27. Urdhva Ganapathi (The elevated) / 28. Varada Ganapathi (Boon Giver) / 29. Vighna Ganapathi (Lord of Obstacles) / 30. Vijaya Ganapathi (Victorious) / 31. Vira Ganapathi (Courageous) / 32. Yoga Ganapathi (in Yogic posture) All these 32 forms of Lord Ganesha can be worshipped together at Maheswaram Temple to eradicate obstacles from the life of a devotee.
Three storied Raja Gopuram at east entrance of the Temple Complex is one of the attractions of the Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple. This entrance is one of the wonders at this Temple complex.Infront of East Nada there is a huge Nandi. Sculptures of two elephants are there in front of the Rajagopuram. Kizhakke Nada leads to Anakottil then to Kodimaram (Flag mast) and then to east entrance of the Temple. There also exists south entrance to the temple complex.
Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Kalyanamadapam is a three storied Auditorium for Marriage and other functions which is situated near to Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple. Second floor of the Auditorium is usually used as Marriage Hall. First floor of the building is usually provided for Banquet (Sadya).