Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple is the cradle of Ancient Kerala Culture. This temple is an exhibition of traditional Maharudra Yajnjam conducted 11 times at Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple. Maheswaram temple became the fourth temple to conduct AthirudraMahaYajnjam in Kerala. The ritual Jayabali, very difficult form of worshipping Lord Siva for his physical presence was also successfully conducted at this temple. Sahasra Kalasham, Lakshadeepam, Kodiarchana(16 times) were also conducted at Maheswaram temple. Ashtadravya Maha Ganapthi Homam (done with 10008 dry coconuts) was also conducted 11 times at Maheswaram temple on the day of Vinayaka Chathurthi. Chathurveda Yajnjam, Navaha Yajnjam, Sapthaha Yajnjam, Chandika Yajnjam were also performed at Maheswaram temple.
Swamy Maheswarananda Saraswathy lead many charitable activities in connection with Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi temple trust. Charitable activities include digging well for poor and miserable, Providing toilet facility to improve sanitary facilities of poor, Providing study materials to children in each academic year, Distribution of rice, dress and shelter to poor and miserable, Distribution of Sewing Machine, Financial assistance to the treatment of diseases of miserable and conducting group marriage. Study materials are distributed to students every year before school opens. Packets of rice also distributed every year before Onam Celebrations.
Ramayanam class is being conducted every week. Moral classes are organized regularly for children at different places of the Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala. For any society to exist, its members must share a number of moral virtues i.e. they must be honest, responsible, and respectful of one another's well-being. Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple Trust has a vital role to play in nurturing these virtues and values among children to help them to evolve as good persons. Ramayanam is an epic which narrates the life of Rama, the legendary prince of Kosala Kingdom, his banishment from the kingdom by his father, King Dasharatha, his travel across forests in India with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, the kidnap of his wife by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka, resulting in a war with him, and Rama's eventual return to Ayodhya to become crowned king.
Under the leadership of Swamy Maheswarananda Saraswathi Sivasakthi School of Arts and Music is established. Plenty of children from different places are beneficiaries of this school. Experts of different Musical Instruments take class for children. Music and dance being taught by the Qualified teachers . At this school Music, Indian classical dance, Violin, Keyboard, Tabala are being taught. At Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple Swamiji welcomes devotees irrespective of their caste, creed or religion.
On the last Sunday of every month Kudumba Sadassu is being conducted at Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple. Plenty of devotees along with their entire family members get together at Maheswaram on the same day. People who come to this get together offer their help to others those who are struggling. By Coming to this Kudumba Sadassu people from different parts of village get in touch with each other and they get a chance to co-operate for a better living. Eminent personalities in different area of excellence usually take class for those who are assembled at the Temple and they leave after taking Annadanam (lunch) from the temple.
According to Sivapurana during the time of marriage of Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi, Lord Siva instructed Sage Agasthya to meditate at the highest peak of the Western Ghats in order to maintain the equilibrium of the universe. River Neyyar originate from the mountain at Western Ghats which is honoured by the visit of Sage Agasthya and Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi temple is located near to this Neyyarriver at Chenkal, Neyyattinkara in Trivandrum district.In a divination (Devaprashnam) to find out the will of God, Sri Paravoor Sreedharan Thandrikal found that the Maheswaram Temple has a history of 5000 years. During the beginning period there was a holy Sage at this temple and later his Samadhi happened at that place followed by that, few Brahmins constructed a temple at that place and worshiped Lord Siva, Sri Parvathi, Lord Ganapathi and Lord Muruga. After several years, in a natural disaster temple complex was destroyed and vanished under the earth. It is also found in the divination that Swamy Maheswarananda Saraswathi is the rebirth of that holy Sage. Swamiji was born in a Nadar Christian family with name Israel. He had matted hair on head right from birth. At the age of three, the boy renamed himself as Krishnan. When he was around three years of age, he used to meditate sitting at the South-West corner of his house.
At this place a termitary sprang up. When that termitary was destroyed by the family members it began to sprang up in the shape of Sri Sivaparvathi in larger size. A Christian priest came to the house and when he tried to trample the termitary, a serpent appeared from that. From that day his family members provided him with the pooja articles. With the help the people and the devotees of that locality a small temple was constructed at that place. From that day systematic Pooja rituals from morning 4AM was started every day and it is still being continued.
By believing in ManavaSeva is MadhavaSeva, with the help of devotees Swamijiorganize several charitable activities. Moral, cultural, Arts and Music classes for children are being conducted at the temple and at various parts of Kerala. Study materials to students and packets of rice to poor and miserable are distributed every year at the temple. Moral, Ramayana, Mahabharata classes are being conducted for adults. Due to the large participation of devotees from different parts of Kerala and outside Kerala state, Kerala Government has declared the Sivarathri festival of the Maheswaram Temple as the local festival. DuringSivarathriFestival there will be display of ‘LAKSHA DEEPAM’.
Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi temple is constructed entirely out of Krishna stone, wood and copper leaf by the stone sculptors from Thanjavur and carpenters from Thrissur in the traditional architecture of Kerala in temple construction in accordance with the Vasthusasthra.Maheswaram Temple is the only temple in the world, where devotees can worship 12 Jyothirlingam of Lord Siva and 32 forms of Lord Ganesha at one place. At North-West corner of Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple there is Mahalingam having 111feet height. Mahalingam at Maheswaram Temple is the world’s highest Sivalingam.